About Financial Aid Forms

WCCS uses electronic form submission via myWallaceSelma click here. Instructions for accessing these Financial Aid forms are below:

Financial Aid (FA) Forms 2023-2024

Student Instructions 

How to access My Wallace Selma

  • Your username will be your "A" number + @student.wccs.edu -- Example: A01245686@student.wccs.edu 
  • Your password will be !WCCS + your 6-digit date of birth MMDDYY 

FINANCIAL AID STUDENTS: Follow the instructions on "How to access My Wallace Selma." 

  • How do I check my account for unsatisfied requirements?
     CLICK Financial Aid Dashboard, next
     CLICK Eligibility, next
     SELECT Aid Year, SUBMIT

     SELECT the Student Requirements link  

  • How to find Student Detail Schedule?
     SELECT Student Records, next
     CLICK registration, next
     Student Detail Schedule 
  • How to view Account Information?
     SELECT Student, next
     CLICK Account detail for the term, next
     SELECT the term you want to see,  

QUESTIONS? Email: financial.aid@wccs.edu 



      Forms (.pdf)


"This form is currently being accepted in lieu of the statement of non-filing the IRS."


"Please note our Veterans Affairs forms have been moved to our Veterans Affairs webpage."


Financial Aid (FA) Forms 2024-2025



      Forms (.pdf)