It is the responsibility of the student to become familiar with the dates in the student calendar in order to know the exact withdrawal dates. A grade of “W” earns zero quality points and, for financial aid purposes, is counted in hours attempted by the student. Students who withdraw from classes after receiving Title IV aid face the possibility of being placed on financial aid suspension. Additionally, financial aid recipients who completely withdraw are subject to the Federal Return of Title IV Funds Policy (R2T4). This policy may require Title IV recipients who completely withdraw from all classes before completing 60% of either the semester or the term to repay a portion of any grant funds received to the Title IV Programs.


Funds governed under Title IV of the Higher Education Act. Title IV Funds include:
• Federal Pell Grants
• Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants
• Federal Work-Study
• For purposes of complete withdrawal and the Return of Title IV Formula, Federal Work-Study is not considered.


The forms below are to be used to submit a request to be withdrawn from the course(s) in which you are currently enrolled. 
All students requesting withdrawal will need to meet with a Success Coach prior to withdrawing. The withdrawal forms will be disabled at midnight on the evening of the withdrawal deadline date. Your withdrawal will be processed based on the automatic date stamp. Withdrawal requests submitted after the withdrawal deadline for the term will NOT be processed and you will receive the grade earned in the course.


Full Session - March 27, 2025
First Mini Session - February 18, 2025
Second Mini Session - April 15, 2025